Low angle photo of Earth metal statue

Page d'accueil

Orange maple leaf


L’Université McGill est un établissement d’enseignement supérieur de premier plan situé à Montréal, au Canada. Forte d’un vaste réseau mondial de partenaires, elle contribue à l’internationalisation en soutenant l’enseignement et la recherche au Canada comme à l’étranger.

White and blue hanging ornaments


L’Université McGill déploie des efforts soutenus pour consolider ses partenariats avec des établissements de calibre mondial afin d’élargir le champ des possibilités pour sa population étudiante, son corps enseignant et ses équipes de recherche.

Brown Map on Map

Portée mondiale

L’Université tisse des liens et favorise la collaboration afin de susciter des changements qui génèrent des retombées à l’échelle de la planète.

International Visitor Request Form

Building Partnerships Worldwide: At McGill University, we believe in the power of academic collaboration without borders. Let us work to create a greener, brighter future, together.

Global Engagement Opportunities for faculty, students and staff


Canadian International Development Scholarships 2030 (BCDI 2030)

Next call for proposals will launch April 4, 2024

Universities Canada is pleased to announce that the BCDI 2030 program will be launching its second call for proposals for scholarship projects for studies in Canada.

Each university can submit one proposal for a scholarship project, in partnership with a higher education institution in one of the 26 eligible countries. Study projects in Canada are for a maximum of four years and must be implemented between 2024 and 2028.

Post-secondary institutions that received funding in BCDI 2030’s first call for proposals for scholarship projects are eligible for funding in this second call but must submit a proposal for a new project in a different field and/or with a different partner.

Visit www.bcdi2030.ca in April for more information and updates.



Queen Elizabeth Scholars - 2025 call for proposals

Universities Canada and the Rideau Hall Foundation are pleased to invite members of Universities Canada or Colleges and Institutes Canada to submit a proposal for the seventh call of the QES program.

QES 2025 will support projects that focus on the adaptation, response and resilience to a changing climate. This includes (but is not limited to) projects focused on biodiversity; agriculture; energy; climate and public health; economic impacts of climate change; air quality; community resilience; education; ecosystems; and water quality.

Projects will support international study, research, or internships for outbound Canadian students and/or study and research for inbound international graduate students. All QES funded activities must be for academic credit/recognition.

For all information on this call for proposals, please consult the program guidelines.

Please note that each institution may only submit one application through a central institutional account. The Office of the Vice-President (Global Engagement) will coordinate the McGill submission. McGill full-time faculty members who are interested in this grant should submit the application documents (see links below) to global.engagement [at] mcgill.ca no later than Friday, May 24 at noon to allow us meet the external application deadline of June 7, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Application documents:

If you have questions about the QES program, please contact Matt Henderson at qes2025 [at] univcan.ca. If you have any further questions, please contact global.engagement [at] mcgill.ca.

L’Université McGill est située sur un territoire qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d’échange autochtone, notamment pour les Haudenosaunee et les Anishinaabeg. Nous saluons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones qui ont enrichi de leur présence ce territoire accueillant aujourd’hui des gens de partout dans le monde.

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