Michael Kramer

Michael Kramer

Title: James McGill Professor
Department: Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Montreal Children's Hospital (MCH), Research Institute - McGill University Health Centre (RI MUHC)
Céline Le Bourdais

Céline Le Bourdais

Title: Distinguished James McGill Professor Emerita
Department: Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts
Joseph Levitan

Joseph Levitan

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Integrated Studies in Education, Faculty of Education
Margaret Lock

Margaret Lock

Title: Marjorie Bronfman Professor Emerita
Department: Department of Anthropology, Department of Social Studies of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Antonia Maioni

Antonia Maioni

Title: Dean
Department: Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts
Anthony C Masi

Anthony C Masi

Title: Full Professor | Academic Director of Executive Education
Department: Department of Sociology, Desautels Faculty of Management
Ashesh Mukherjee

Ashesh Mukherjee

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Desautels Faculty of Management
Arijit Nandi

Arijit Nandi

Title: Associate Profesor
Department: Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Ross Otto

Ross Otto

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science
Gilles Paradis

Gilles Paradis

Title: Full Professor
Department: Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Luca Maria Pesando

Luca Maria Pesando

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Department of Sociology
Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Title: Full Professor | Canada Research Chair on Policies and Health Inequalities | Chair, Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy
Department: Department of Equity, Ethics and Policy, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Mathieu Roy

Mathieu Roy

Title: Associate Professor | Canada Research Chair in Brain Imaging of Experimental and Chronic Pain
Department: Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain, Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Science, Research Institute - McGill University Health Centre (RI MUHC)
Brian Rubineau

Brian Rubineau

Title: Associate Professor
Department: Desautels Faculty of Management
Daniel Ruiz-Serna

Daniel Ruiz-Serna

Title: Faculty Lecturer
Department: Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts
Michael R Smith

Michael R Smith

Title: James McGill Professor
Department: Department of Sociology
Tamara Sussman

Tamara Sussman

Title: Associate Professor
Department: School of Social Work
Samuel Veissière

Samuel Veissière

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Department of Anthropology, Department of Psychiatry, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry
Claire-Dominique Walker

Claire-Dominique Walker

Title: Full Professor
Department: Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of Psychiatry, Douglas Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill Centre for Studies in Aging (MCSA)


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